# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""AWS Credentials and AWS Signature V4 Request Signer.
This module provides credentials to access Google Cloud resources from Amazon
Web Services (AWS) workloads. These credentials are recommended over the
use of service account credentials in AWS as they do not involve the management
of long-live service account private keys.
AWS Credentials are initialized using external_account arguments which are
typically loaded from the external credentials JSON file.
This module also provides a definition for an abstract AWS security credentials supplier.
This supplier can be implemented to return valid AWS security credentials and an AWS region
and used to create AWS credentials. The credentials will then call the
supplier instead of using pre-defined methods such as calling the EC2 metadata endpoints.
This module also provides a basic implementation of the
`AWS Signature Version 4`_ request signing algorithm.
AWS Credentials use serialized signed requests to the
`AWS STS GetCallerIdentity`_ API that can be exchanged for Google access tokens
via the GCP STS endpoint.
.. _AWS Signature Version 4: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html
.. _AWS STS GetCallerIdentity: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/APIReference/API_GetCallerIdentity.html
import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
import hashlib
import hmac
import http.client as http_client
import json
import os
import posixpath
import re
from typing import Optional
import urllib
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from google.auth import _helpers
from google.auth import environment_vars
from google.auth import exceptions
from google.auth import external_account
# AWS Signature Version 4 signing algorithm identifier.
# The termination string for the AWS credential scope value as defined in
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-string-to-sign.html
_AWS_REQUEST_TYPE = "aws4_request"
# The AWS authorization header name for the security session token if available.
_AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN_HEADER = "x-amz-security-token"
# The AWS authorization header name for the auto-generated date.
_AWS_DATE_HEADER = "x-amz-date"
# The default AWS regional credential verification URL.
# IMDSV2 session token lifetime. This is set to a low value because the session token is used immediately.
[docs]class RequestSigner(object):
"""Implements an AWS request signer based on the AWS Signature Version 4 signing
def __init__(self, region_name):
"""Instantiates an AWS request signer used to compute authenticated signed
requests to AWS APIs based on the AWS Signature Version 4 signing process.
region_name (str): The AWS region to use.
self._region_name = region_name
[docs] def get_request_options(
"""Generates the signed request for the provided HTTP request for calling
an AWS API. This follows the steps described at:
aws_security_credentials (AWSSecurityCredentials): The AWS security credentials.
url (str): The AWS service URL containing the canonical URI and
query string.
method (str): The HTTP method used to call this API.
request_payload (Optional[str]): The optional request payload if
additional_headers (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]): The optional
additional headers needed for the requested AWS API.
Mapping[str, str]: The AWS signed request dictionary object.
additional_headers = additional_headers or {}
uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
# Normalize the URL path. This is needed for the canonical_uri.
# os.path.normpath can't be used since it normalizes "/" paths
# to "\\" in Windows OS.
normalized_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(
urljoin(url, posixpath.normpath(uri.path))
# Validate provided URL.
if not uri.hostname or uri.scheme != "https":
raise exceptions.InvalidResource("Invalid AWS service URL")
header_map = _generate_authentication_header_map(
canonical_uri=normalized_uri.path or "/",
headers = {
"Authorization": header_map.get("authorization_header"),
"host": uri.hostname,
# Add x-amz-date if available.
if "amz_date" in header_map:
headers[_AWS_DATE_HEADER] = header_map.get("amz_date")
# Append additional optional headers, eg. X-Amz-Target, Content-Type, etc.
for key in additional_headers:
headers[key] = additional_headers[key]
# Add session token if available.
if aws_security_credentials.session_token is not None:
headers[_AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN_HEADER] = aws_security_credentials.session_token
signed_request = {"url": url, "method": method, "headers": headers}
if request_payload:
signed_request["data"] = request_payload
return signed_request
def _get_canonical_querystring(query):
"""Generates the canonical query string given a raw query string.
Logic is based on
query (str): The raw query string.
str: The canonical query string.
# Parse raw query string.
querystring = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query)
querystring_encoded_map = {}
for key in querystring:
quote_key = urllib.parse.quote(key, safe="-_.~")
# URI encode key.
querystring_encoded_map[quote_key] = []
for item in querystring[key]:
# For each key, URI encode all values for that key.
urllib.parse.quote(item, safe="-_.~")
# Sort values for each key.
# Sort keys.
sorted_keys = list(querystring_encoded_map.keys())
# Reconstruct the query string. Preserve keys with multiple values.
querystring_encoded_pairs = []
for key in sorted_keys:
for item in querystring_encoded_map[key]:
querystring_encoded_pairs.append("{}={}".format(key, item))
return "&".join(querystring_encoded_pairs)
def _sign(key, msg):
"""Creates the HMAC-SHA256 hash of the provided message using the provided
key (str): The HMAC-SHA256 key to use.
msg (str): The message to hash.
str: The computed hash bytes.
return hmac.new(key, msg.encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha256).digest()
def _get_signing_key(key, date_stamp, region_name, service_name):
"""Calculates the signing key used to calculate the signature for
AWS Signature Version 4 based on:
key (str): The AWS secret access key.
date_stamp (str): The '%Y%m%d' date format.
region_name (str): The AWS region.
service_name (str): The AWS service name, eg. sts.
str: The signing key bytes.
k_date = _sign(("AWS4" + key).encode("utf-8"), date_stamp)
k_region = _sign(k_date, region_name)
k_service = _sign(k_region, service_name)
k_signing = _sign(k_service, "aws4_request")
return k_signing
def _generate_authentication_header_map(
"""Generates the authentication header map needed for generating the AWS
Signature Version 4 signed request.
host (str): The AWS service URL hostname.
canonical_uri (str): The AWS service URL path name.
canonical_querystring (str): The AWS service URL query string.
method (str): The HTTP method used to call this API.
region (str): The AWS region.
aws_security_credentials (AWSSecurityCredentials): The AWS security credentials.
request_payload (Optional[str]): The optional request payload if
additional_headers (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]): The optional
additional headers needed for the requested AWS API.
Mapping[str, str]: The AWS authentication header dictionary object.
This contains the x-amz-date and authorization header information.
# iam.amazonaws.com host => iam service.
# sts.us-east-2.amazonaws.com host => sts service.
service_name = host.split(".")[0]
current_time = _helpers.utcnow()
amz_date = current_time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
date_stamp = current_time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
# Change all additional headers to be lower case.
full_headers = {}
for key in additional_headers:
full_headers[key.lower()] = additional_headers[key]
# Add AWS session token if available.
if aws_security_credentials.session_token is not None:
] = aws_security_credentials.session_token
# Required headers
full_headers["host"] = host
# Do not use generated x-amz-date if the date header is provided.
# Previously the date was not fixed with x-amz- and could be provided
# manually.
# https://github.com/boto/botocore/blob/879f8440a4e9ace5d3cf145ce8b3d5e5ffb892ef/tests/unit/auth/aws4_testsuite/get-header-value-trim.req
if "date" not in full_headers:
full_headers[_AWS_DATE_HEADER] = amz_date
# Header keys need to be sorted alphabetically.
canonical_headers = ""
header_keys = list(full_headers.keys())
for key in header_keys:
canonical_headers = "{}{}:{}\n".format(
canonical_headers, key, full_headers[key]
signed_headers = ";".join(header_keys)
payload_hash = hashlib.sha256((request_payload or "").encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-canonical-request.html
canonical_request = "{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(
credential_scope = "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(
date_stamp, region, service_name, _AWS_REQUEST_TYPE
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-string-to-sign.html
string_to_sign = "{}\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-calculate-signature.html
signing_key = _get_signing_key(
aws_security_credentials.secret_access_key, date_stamp, region, service_name
signature = hmac.new(
signing_key, string_to_sign.encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha256
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-add-signature-to-request.html
authorization_header = "{} Credential={}/{}, SignedHeaders={}, Signature={}".format(
authentication_header = {"authorization_header": authorization_header}
# Do not use generated x-amz-date if the date header is provided.
if "date" not in full_headers:
authentication_header["amz_date"] = amz_date
return authentication_header
class AwsSecurityCredentials:
"""A class that models AWS security credentials with an optional session token.
access_key_id (str): The AWS security credentials access key id.
secret_access_key (str): The AWS security credentials secret access key.
session_token (Optional[str]): The optional AWS security credentials session token. This should be set when using temporary credentials.
access_key_id: str
secret_access_key: str
session_token: Optional[str] = None
[docs]class AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for AWS security credential suppliers. This can be implemented with custom logic to retrieve
AWS security credentials to exchange for a Google Cloud access token. The AWS external account credential does
not cache the AWS security credentials, so caching logic should be added in the implementation.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def get_aws_security_credentials(self, context, request):
"""Returns the AWS security credentials for the requested context.
.. warning: This is not cached by the calling Google credential, so caching logic should be implemented in the supplier.
context (google.auth.externalaccount.SupplierContext): The context object
containing information about the requested audience and subject token type.
request (google.auth.transport.Request): The object used to make
HTTP requests.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: If an error is encountered during
security credential retrieval logic.
AwsSecurityCredentials: The requested AWS security credentials.
raise NotImplementedError("")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def get_aws_region(self, context, request):
"""Returns the AWS region for the requested context.
context (google.auth.externalaccount.SupplierContext): The context object
containing information about the requested audience and subject token type.
request (google.auth.transport.Request): The object used to make
HTTP requests.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: If an error is encountered during
region retrieval logic.
str: The AWS region.
raise NotImplementedError("")
class _DefaultAwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier(AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier):
"""Default implementation of AWS security credentials supplier. Supports retrieving
credentials and region via EC2 metadata endpoints and environment variables.
def __init__(self, credential_source):
self._region_url = credential_source.get("region_url")
self._security_credentials_url = credential_source.get("url")
self._imdsv2_session_token_url = credential_source.get(
def get_aws_security_credentials(self, context, request):
# Check environment variables for permanent credentials first.
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-sec-cred-types.html
env_aws_access_key_id = os.environ.get(environment_vars.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)
env_aws_secret_access_key = os.environ.get(
# This is normally not available for permanent credentials.
env_aws_session_token = os.environ.get(environment_vars.AWS_SESSION_TOKEN)
if env_aws_access_key_id and env_aws_secret_access_key:
return AwsSecurityCredentials(
env_aws_access_key_id, env_aws_secret_access_key, env_aws_session_token
imdsv2_session_token = self._get_imdsv2_session_token(request)
role_name = self._get_metadata_role_name(request, imdsv2_session_token)
# Get security credentials.
credentials = self._get_metadata_security_credentials(
request, role_name, imdsv2_session_token
return AwsSecurityCredentials(
def get_aws_region(self, context, request):
# The AWS metadata server is not available in some AWS environments
# such as AWS lambda. Instead, it is available via environment
# variable.
env_aws_region = os.environ.get(environment_vars.AWS_REGION)
if env_aws_region is not None:
return env_aws_region
env_aws_region = os.environ.get(environment_vars.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
if env_aws_region is not None:
return env_aws_region
if not self._region_url:
raise exceptions.RefreshError("Unable to determine AWS region")
headers = None
imdsv2_session_token = self._get_imdsv2_session_token(request)
if imdsv2_session_token is not None:
headers = {"X-aws-ec2-metadata-token": imdsv2_session_token}
response = request(url=self._region_url, method="GET", headers=headers)
# Support both string and bytes type response.data.
response_body = (
if hasattr(response.data, "decode")
else response.data
if response.status != http_client.OK:
raise exceptions.RefreshError(
"Unable to retrieve AWS region: {}".format(response_body)
# This endpoint will return the region in format: us-east-2b.
# Only the us-east-2 part should be used.
return response_body[:-1]
def _get_imdsv2_session_token(self, request):
if request is not None and self._imdsv2_session_token_url is not None:
headers = {
"X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds": _IMDSV2_SESSION_TOKEN_TTL_SECONDS
imdsv2_session_token_response = request(
url=self._imdsv2_session_token_url, method="PUT", headers=headers
if imdsv2_session_token_response.status != http_client.OK:
raise exceptions.RefreshError(
"Unable to retrieve AWS Session Token: {}".format(
return imdsv2_session_token_response.data
return None
def _get_metadata_security_credentials(
self, request, role_name, imdsv2_session_token
"""Retrieves the AWS security credentials required for signing AWS
requests from the AWS metadata server.
request (google.auth.transport.Request): A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
role_name (str): The AWS role name required by the AWS metadata
server security_credentials endpoint in order to return the
imdsv2_session_token (str): The AWS IMDSv2 session token to be added as a
header in the requests to AWS metadata endpoint.
Mapping[str, str]: The AWS metadata server security credentials
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: If an error occurs while
retrieving the AWS security credentials.
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
if imdsv2_session_token is not None:
headers["X-aws-ec2-metadata-token"] = imdsv2_session_token
response = request(
url="{}/{}".format(self._security_credentials_url, role_name),
# support both string and bytes type response.data
response_body = (
if hasattr(response.data, "decode")
else response.data
if response.status != http_client.OK:
raise exceptions.RefreshError(
"Unable to retrieve AWS security credentials: {}".format(response_body)
credentials_response = json.loads(response_body)
return credentials_response
def _get_metadata_role_name(self, request, imdsv2_session_token):
"""Retrieves the AWS role currently attached to the current AWS
workload by querying the AWS metadata server. This is needed for the
AWS metadata server security credentials endpoint in order to retrieve
the AWS security credentials needed to sign requests to AWS APIs.
request (google.auth.transport.Request): A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
imdsv2_session_token (str): The AWS IMDSv2 session token to be added as a
header in the requests to AWS metadata endpoint.
str: The AWS role name.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: If an error occurs while
retrieving the AWS role name.
if self._security_credentials_url is None:
raise exceptions.RefreshError(
"Unable to determine the AWS metadata server security credentials endpoint"
headers = None
if imdsv2_session_token is not None:
headers = {"X-aws-ec2-metadata-token": imdsv2_session_token}
response = request(
url=self._security_credentials_url, method="GET", headers=headers
# support both string and bytes type response.data
response_body = (
if hasattr(response.data, "decode")
else response.data
if response.status != http_client.OK:
raise exceptions.RefreshError(
"Unable to retrieve AWS role name {}".format(response_body)
return response_body
[docs]class Credentials(external_account.Credentials):
"""AWS external account credentials.
This is used to exchange serialized AWS signature v4 signed requests to
AWS STS GetCallerIdentity service for Google access tokens.
def __init__(
"""Instantiates an AWS workload external account credentials object.
audience (str): The STS audience field.
subject_token_type (str): The subject token type based on the Oauth2.0 token exchange spec.
Expected values include::
token_url (Optional [str]): The STS endpoint URL. If not provided, will default to "https://sts.googleapis.com/v1/token".
credential_source (Optional [Mapping]): The credential source dictionary used
to provide instructions on how to retrieve external credential to be exchanged for Google access tokens.
Either a credential source or an AWS security credentials supplier must be provided.
Example credential_source for AWS credential::
"environment_id": "aws1",
"regional_cred_verification_url": "https://sts.{region}.amazonaws.com?Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15",
"region_url": "",
"url": "",
imdsv2_session_token_url": ""
aws_security_credentials_supplier (Optional [AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier]): Optional AWS security credentials supplier.
This will be called to supply valid AWS security credentails which will then
be exchanged for Google access tokens. Either an AWS security credentials supplier
or a credential source must be provided.
args (List): Optional positional arguments passed into the underlying :meth:`~external_account.Credentials.__init__` method.
kwargs (Mapping): Optional keyword arguments passed into the underlying :meth:`~external_account.Credentials.__init__` method.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: If an error is encountered during
access token retrieval logic.
ValueError: For invalid parameters.
.. note:: Typically one of the helper constructors
:meth:`from_file` or
:meth:`from_info` are used instead of calling the constructor directly.
super(Credentials, self).__init__(
if credential_source is None and aws_security_credentials_supplier is None:
raise exceptions.InvalidValue(
"A valid credential source or AWS security credentials supplier must be provided."
if (
credential_source is not None
and aws_security_credentials_supplier is not None
raise exceptions.InvalidValue(
"AWS credential cannot have both a credential source and an AWS security credentials supplier."
if aws_security_credentials_supplier:
self._aws_security_credentials_supplier = aws_security_credentials_supplier
# The regional cred verification URL would normally be provided through the credential source. So set it to the default one here.
self._cred_verification_url = (
environment_id = credential_source.get("environment_id") or ""
self._aws_security_credentials_supplier = _DefaultAwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier(
self._cred_verification_url = credential_source.get(
# Get the environment ID, i.e. "aws1". Currently, only one version supported (1).
matches = re.match(r"^(aws)([\d]+)$", environment_id)
if matches:
env_id, env_version = matches.groups()
env_id, env_version = (None, None)
if env_id != "aws" or self._cred_verification_url is None:
raise exceptions.InvalidResource(
"No valid AWS 'credential_source' provided"
elif env_version is None or int(env_version) != 1:
raise exceptions.InvalidValue(
"aws version '{}' is not supported in the current build.".format(
self._target_resource = audience
self._request_signer = None
[docs] def retrieve_subject_token(self, request):
"""Retrieves the subject token using the credential_source object.
The subject token is a serialized `AWS GetCallerIdentity signed request`_.
The logic is summarized as:
Retrieve the AWS region from the AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
environment variable or from the AWS metadata server availability-zone
if not found in the environment variable.
Check AWS credentials in environment variables. If not found, retrieve
from the AWS metadata server security-credentials endpoint.
When retrieving AWS credentials from the metadata server
security-credentials endpoint, the AWS role needs to be determined by
calling the security-credentials endpoint without any argument. Then the
credentials can be retrieved via: security-credentials/role_name
Generate the signed request to AWS STS GetCallerIdentity action.
Inject x-goog-cloud-target-resource into header and serialize the
signed request. This will be the subject-token to pass to GCP STS.
.. _AWS GetCallerIdentity signed request:
request (google.auth.transport.Request): A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
str: The retrieved subject token.
# Initialize the request signer if not yet initialized after determining
# the current AWS region.
if self._request_signer is None:
self._region = self._aws_security_credentials_supplier.get_aws_region(
self._supplier_context, request
self._request_signer = RequestSigner(self._region)
# Retrieve the AWS security credentials needed to generate the signed
# request.
aws_security_credentials = self._aws_security_credentials_supplier.get_aws_security_credentials(
self._supplier_context, request
# Generate the signed request to AWS STS GetCallerIdentity API.
# Use the required regional endpoint. Otherwise, the request will fail.
request_options = self._request_signer.get_request_options(
self._cred_verification_url.replace("{region}", self._region),
# The GCP STS endpoint expects the headers to be formatted as:
# [
# {key: 'x-amz-date', value: '...'},
# {key: 'Authorization', value: '...'},
# ...
# ]
# And then serialized as:
# quote(json.dumps({
# url: '...',
# method: 'POST',
# headers: [{key: 'x-amz-date', value: '...'}, ...]
# }))
request_headers = request_options.get("headers")
# The full, canonical resource name of the workload identity pool
# provider, with or without the HTTPS prefix.
# Including this header as part of the signature is recommended to
# ensure data integrity.
request_headers["x-goog-cloud-target-resource"] = self._target_resource
# Serialize AWS signed request.
aws_signed_req = {}
aws_signed_req["url"] = request_options.get("url")
aws_signed_req["method"] = request_options.get("method")
aws_signed_req["headers"] = []
# Reformat header to GCP STS expected format.
for key in request_headers.keys():
{"key": key, "value": request_headers[key]}
return urllib.parse.quote(
json.dumps(aws_signed_req, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=True)
def _create_default_metrics_options(self):
metrics_options = super(Credentials, self)._create_default_metrics_options()
metrics_options["source"] = "aws"
if self._has_custom_supplier():
metrics_options["source"] = "programmatic"
return metrics_options
def _has_custom_supplier(self):
return self._credential_source is None
def _constructor_args(self):
args = super(Credentials, self)._constructor_args()
# If a custom supplier was used, append it to the args dict.
if self._has_custom_supplier():
"aws_security_credentials_supplier": self._aws_security_credentials_supplier
return args
[docs] @classmethod
def from_info(cls, info, **kwargs):
"""Creates an AWS Credentials instance from parsed external account info.
info (Mapping[str, str]): The AWS external account info in Google
kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
google.auth.aws.Credentials: The constructed credentials.
ValueError: For invalid parameters.
aws_security_credentials_supplier = info.get(
{"aws_security_credentials_supplier": aws_security_credentials_supplier}
return super(Credentials, cls).from_info(info, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs):
"""Creates an AWS Credentials instance from an external account json file.
filename (str): The path to the AWS external account json file.
kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
google.auth.aws.Credentials: The constructed credentials.
return super(Credentials, cls).from_file(filename, **kwargs)